Optoma HD-25 LV โปรเจคเตอร์

รหัสสินค้า : Optoma HD-25 LV


59,500.00 ฿

65,900.00 ฿

ราคารวม 59,500.00 ฿



Optoma HD-25 LV โปรเจคเตอร์

The team of projectorjunkies recently found after invitation, in a blissful (as it turned out) the new owner “small” projector, Optoma’s HD25. George contacted us and after telephone contact the appointment was arranged for review..

I cannot deny that having recently seen the main competitor, the Benq W1070, imagined and thought that what we would see would be something that I had seen before and that we were very close in all of these projectors in the so-called “cheap” series … XM …

Together with giannis and Panagiotis we arrived on the site of George, prepared like lobsters, with bodies under your arms and with mood alive and kicking …

There we met a smiling and cheerful man, George, who warmly welcomed us and made us feel “like home” literally from the first second.

But let’s switch to the broth which is nothing else than the small Optoma.

First finding … is really small … very small. Almost lost in the ceiling of a living room and certainly in this help and its white color. As chassis …. nothing special …. We’ve seen before from the same company in models with a different name … anything that is unsettling …

George, a loyal follower of High Definition had connected the Optoma with a Blu-ray of Samsung and from there he enjoyed his favorite movies with clean and uncompressed discs blu-ray.

Time to move on to “roast” had arrived and opened the Optoma to warm as we’d care so that our bodies to set up opposite electrical 100 inch screen complete video system of George.

I cannot deny that our curiosity was big enough for what I see since we were integral in our minds the picture from four DLP projectors that very recently “played” with them. The Benq W7000 and W1070, the Infocus IN83 and other “Battleship” Panagiotis z21000 Sharp.

With them I would do a direct comparison, I thought inside me. and I’m not talking necessarily about comparing measurements, other for image comparison and data cannot safely show a measurement, such as the ansi contrast (contrast and tension within a movie scene viz.) and chromatic behavior that differs from projector to projector even is identical in calibration charts course in my own subjective eyes and brain …

The truth is that I though “fan” of DLP technology, I’m always cautious with new DLP models, first because of stagnation in the evolution of the DMD Chip from Texas mom, and secondly by the new “fashion” that wants to DLP models fthinainoyn exponentially year after year, month after month, day by day, like products that expire and that to put into thinking about the image quality that can now offer with current data in the field of video.

In other words, start knowing more or less what you see … or better yet I knew what I expect to see …

With the lights and closed even before we begin the measurements the first thing I noticed was the very low level of black on the cloth and the very high brightness of white! This is Thoroughbred contrast I thought from inside me, very interesting way to start the test I thought..

Measurements started and of course the first thing I looked through all the participants was the abysmal brightness. Brightness for all tastes really, because with the slider of Brilliant Color and the alternation of High and Low lamp could take literally that brightness was pulling your soul.

This projector can play with brightness within the templates from frame 80 inch up to 150, and by living-room with full reflections up to Death in an underground room comfortable. Probably not with you … COMFORTABLE!

Only with the Brilliant Color slider we measured in 100ari frame from 12fl to 25fl without even try to put the lamp in high mode.

Brilliant Color slider has 10 posts and in essence as the upgrade increases the brightness, but without interfering in the projector’s color behavior such as we have seen in too many other models that use the same buffer. Like a well-crafted incremental IRIS i.e., something that not just me liked it. .. other pleasantly surprised me!

Also don’t forget that the pseytoiridas slider (pseytoirida because in fact intervenes only in the power of the lamp and not mechanically in the path of light) which is on the menu of the Optoma with options off-low and high, have always strictly in the off position, because in any other position working as fwtorythmiko rather than like IRIS …

Let’s see then charts that we took before and after calibration of the tiny Optoma

Before …

The projector is fairly balanced in terms of gamma and RGB, but much hotter than the ideal of 6500 degrees throughout the grayscale, something that looked and with the naked eye from the first moment. Many of the chrwmatakia also quite yperkoresmena, except color triangle.

After Cana we sat and not much trouble, I would say the spotlight came and sat.;

The projector’s sliders work flawlessly as you find graphs and allow you to bring the projector in amazing balance. Except only the sliders of the basic colour blue that is not “listening” as much as we would like … small up to trivial bad …

The measurement of on/off contrast projector wrote a magnificent 2000:1 (same with Optoma’s HD300X), which is very dignified (if one considers that there is no use of native IRIS) and much higher average and its competitors.

I don’t want to dwell on charts because they say only half the truth … the other half I feel lies in the image and what you see after the patterns of settings.

In Samsung’s player entered the blue tray Dark Night and we started to see the scenes that almost certainly know every frame now …

Here for me came a little shock that I didn’t expect to suffer in any of the cases.

The ansi contrast of Optoma HD25 is among the highest that have seen my eyes in DLP projector (attention not misunderstood … you have seen my eyes said … not that I counted). The black deep, without a trace of the veil and the colour DIDN’T LIKE behavior (particularly the skin tones!). Whites white, sunlit and blinding, how is a LCD projector; nothing to do ….       			</div>
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